Achieve your goals.
Individualized, one-on-one pediatric therapy designed to support your child and your family on your journey to achieving your speech, language and listening goals!

Katie is a licensed speech-language pathologist who specializes in serving very young children. She has particular clinical interests in working with children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, late talkers, phonological impairments and bilingualism. She is also passionate about ensuring that children are appropriately evaluated so that they receive the best supports for their unique needs.

About the Owner
Katie Stuepfert, MS, CCC-SLP
Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist
We strongly believe that children develop best when their parents gain the confidence and competence necessary to support their child's development in daily routines. We are passionate about play-based, family-centered intervention. We honor our clients' strengths and interests, and celebrate all progress.
Our Philosophy
Low-cost or free Early Intervention services
Services generally provided in the child's home
Comprehensive speech and language evaluations
Augmentative and alternative communication device evaluations and consulting
Referrals for outside evaluations and services, as needed
Personalized, family-centered intervention
Early Communicators speech therapy and music therapy group, in collaboration with Developing Melodies
Comprehensive speech and language evaluations
One-on-one intervention at the Aspire clinic
Family coaching and consultation
Ongoing collaboration with IEP team
IEP meeting attendance, as requested
Speech and language evaluations for children who speak Spanish
Offered via a contract with the child's school district
Funded by the school district
Evaluations are designed to meet the unique linguistic needs of the child and help the district determine if observed needs are related to a true language disorder, ongoing language acquistion or typical development
Comprehensive speech and language evaluations for children enrolled in a public school to supplement the district's evaluations
Can be requested by any family that disagrees with the school district's eligibility determination or proposed placement or services
Free to the family; fully funded by the school district
Evaluations are designed to provide a detailed picture of your child's unique strengths and needs from an outside perspective to ensure your child has appropriate supports at school to help them succeed